Please Join or Renew your Membership for 2025

Now is the time to join or renew your membership in the Surf City Taxpayers Association as we work to make Surf City a better place to live:

  • Help us continue our family-oriented summer programs and activities
  • Make sure your voice is represented on civic matters of importance
  • Receive important email news bulletins and alerts to stay informed year round
  • Support our beautification efforts to make our town warm and welcoming.
  • Overall, help improve the quality of life in Surf City

Your dues run on a calendar year, meaning they run from January to December, regardless of when you pay.

You will be receiving a 2025 membership mailing in late May, at the address where your tax bill is sent. It will arrive in an envelope that looks like the image below. If you do not receive it, you are still able to join right from this page. Or, if you need to get in touch with us, please email: 

You can join by scrolling down to locate the “Donate” button and use your credit card or Paypal account.

We currently offer two methods of payment.

1, You can submit your payment electronically via our “Pay Now” button found below by using your credit or debit card or PayPal account.

2. You can also simply click below, download and fill out the membership form. Then, enclose your check for $10 and mail it to the address listed on the application.

SCTA – 2025 Membership Application

If you are able, please add a donation amount to your dues payment to help fund the Association’s programs and activities.

Our dues of only $10.00 are the lowest on LBI! We rely on your financial support, so please consider an additional $10.00, $20.00, $50.00 or more! These donations play a vital role in our ability to continue our programs such as:

  • Attending, and representing you the taxpayers, at all monthly Borough Council and Land Use board meetings;
  • Social and recreational activities including Sand Sculpture Contest, Free Throw Contest and two mini-golf tournaments;
  • Town Hall Meetings, including the annual “Meet the Mayor” meeting in June;
  • Information updates via email newsletters and website posting on issues of importance in our town;
  • Membership surveys to find how to further satisfy our community
  • Multiple Contributions to Surf City Fire Department, St. Francis Food Pantry, Friends of Southern Ocean County Animal Shelter and Trunk or Treat Halloween Event.

Thank you for your support!

If you decide to pay online and wish to send us three of your most important issues or suggestions, you may send them via email to:


Mail your payments to our new address:

Surf City Taxpayer Association
110 North 3rd Street, Surf City, NJ 08008-4921


Pay by Credit Card or PayPal

(NOTE: Surf City Taxpayer Association gladly accepts donations in any amount.)

For Credit Card & PayPal Submissions:

To help us keep our records current and to ensure you receive email newsletters and alerts from us, please fill in the form below.