As you all know, at our June meeting we heard from our Mayor on the state of things in Surf City. We wish to thank him again for providing us with his insights. For this meeting we felt it appropriate to reach out to some other people involved with our town for their insights.
We have gathered some respected community leaders – all of whom live in or own businesses in Surf City – to bring another perspective. We really do believe our town is blessed to have such strong leaders working to make Surf City and LBI a better place to live. And the issues to be covered all seem to be ones that taxpayers/homeowners have raised concerns about.
Come on out to our August General Meeting which will be held on Saturday, August 21st from 10 am to noon at the Surf City Firehouse.
Below is some initial information on each of the speakers we have asked to come and give their perspective on the areas of our community they are knowledgeable and passionate about.
This will also be your chance to meet your SCTA board members as we will have a small session on the state of our affairs.